That doesn't keep me from blogging about the suffering she caused me 17 years later...
Please see a letter that i wrote to her asking a very simple favor...
(Celeste, May I please borrow 2 curlers just 2 curlers, that's right just just 2 curlers. I will give them back on 3-16-91. If they are not on your desk by 3:00 then I will owe you $5.00. Please consider it! Thanks, Nicolette P.S. you are absolutly right...just 2 curlers!)
then she said...
(That doesn't make any sense. Why would you give me $5.00 if the curlers weren't on my desk)
She then asked me to give her some reasons why she should let me borrow 2 curlers... see below...
(1. because I am your cute sister.
2. you have about 13 and i have 3.
3. because you love me
4. and because I am giving you stickers! by the way I am running out.)
No. I never received the curlers... in case you are wondering.