Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I wanna go to the beach...

redfethrboa (2:38:10 PM): whatcha doin?
eightiesbangs (2:38:27 PM): Shorking
eightiesbangs (2:38:32 PM): working
eightiesbangs (2:38:32 PM): ha
eightiesbangs (2:38:59 PM): I'm tired of sitting down all the time
eightiesbangs (2:39:04 PM): it make a me loco
redfethrboa (2:39:15 PM): yeah... i wanaa go to the baech...
eightiesbangs (2:39:39 PM): I want to be up and active throughout my day
eightiesbangs (2:39:48 PM): do important things
redfethrboa (2:39:53 PM): but you're too cerebral
eightiesbangs (2:40:41 PM): yeah, but I can utilize that aspect while doing shit
eightiesbangs (2:41:08 PM): and I'm quite intuitive, thank you very much
redfethrboa (2:41:56 PM): lets make mooooovies!!!
redfethrboa (2:42:00 PM): or start a Baaaaand
eightiesbangs (2:42:14 PM): pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!
eightiesbangs (2:42:45 PM): and exorcize more too
eightiesbangs (2:42:52 PM): aaaaahhhhh
eightiesbangs (2:43:03 PM): what have I done with my youth?
eightiesbangs (2:43:18 PM): NOTHING but drink and seek
eightiesbangs (2:44:12 PM): Hey, do you remember the 2 songs we wrote last Thursday?
eightiesbangs (2:44:26 PM): they were good, I swear they were
eightiesbangs (2:44:35 PM): but I can't remember them
redfethrboa (2:46:21 PM): i'm gonna have 5,000 cats... they're gonna be called cat cat cat... cat cat cat.. you can see where this is going it is cat times 5,000
eightiesbangs (2:46:42 PM): I LOVE IT
eightiesbangs (2:46:50 PM): OH MY GOD

redfethrboa (2:47:00 PM): the other one was based on a sentence that you said about your work and how they were down a bunch of money or something. can't totally remeber.
eightiesbangs (2:48:12 PM): We have to make that
redfethrboa (2:48:22 PM): ok
redfethrboa (2:48:39 PM): i wanna be like the movies
eightiesbangs (2:49:55 PM): What are you doing tonight
redfethrboa (2:50:09 PM): i haven't slept in three days.
eightiesbangs (2:50:17 PM): TAKE A XANAX
redfethrboa (2:50:22 PM): i was thinking about giving it another shot tonight.
redfethrboa (2:50:31 PM): whats up with the bold?
eightiesbangs (2:50:35 PM): It will help
redfethrboa (2:50:36 PM): relax.
redfethrboa (2:50:40 PM): stop yelling
eightiesbangs (2:50:42 PM): its for emphasis
redfethrboa (2:50:48 PM): i get it.
eightiesbangs (2:51:00 PM): wait, bold or caps
redfethrboa (2:51:16 PM): both, just stop yelling you're hurting my ears!
eightiesbangs (2:51:37 PM): I'm messing with the fonts and colors
eightiesbangs (2:51:57 PM): I had nasty orange, so I'm learning what to do
redfethrboa (2:52:14 PM): i don't see any orange
eightiesbangs (2:52:26 PM): what color is my bubble
eightiesbangs (2:52:49 PM):
(I think it only effects others who use IChat
eightiesbangs (2:52:50 PM):
redfethrboa (2:53:01 PM): what bubble?
eightiesbangs (2:53:47 PM): On my IM, it shows the persons icon, then puts a bubble next to them to show text. Like a comic book
redfethrboa (2:54:43 PM): mine is lame then... no comic book
eightiesbangs (2:55:03 PM): just words?
redfethrboa (2:55:20 PM): yes, RC... just words
redfethrboa (2:55:48 PM): wait. are you doing this from your phone or your computer?
eightiesbangs (2:56:37 PM): haha
eightiesbangs (2:56:46 PM):
my computer
redfethrboa (2:57:11 PM): i want to be like a comic book. how do you get that?
eightiesbangs (2:58:24 PM): adium.com
eightiesbangs (2:58:44 PM): it wont give you IChat, but its better
eightiesbangs (2:58:54 PM):
it will spruce it up
redfethrboa (2:59:12 PM): seriously get away from bold. your words are looking more imporatant than mine.
redfethrboa (2:59:18 PM): my words are jealous
eightiesbangs (3:01:58 PM): haha, I dont know how. Trying to find out